Brayan is one of our grade 12 accounting students. He started attending our school six years ago, at the start of Grade 7, but it almost didn’t happen. “My parents fought hard to enroll me, but a couple of weeks before I registered, they came and spoke to me.” For economic reasons, Brayan’s parents told him it wouldn’t be possible to attend CCAF. “I started to cry. We had tried so hard, and at the last minute, it fell through.” Eventually, through his extended family’s help, Brayan was able to enroll and has been with us ever since. “God works everything for good and has worked as much in me as in my family.”

Although God had opened the door for Brayan to attend, getting used to the new school was difficult for him. “We didn’t receive English or computer classes where I had previously attended. This first year was tough.” Brayan also had his fair share of disciplinary issues, “I really struggled. At my old school, we didn’t have anything like behavioural reports. So it was difficult for me to adjust.” Despite the challenges, Brayan persevered, and by God’s grace, he finished middle school and continued to high school in our accounting program.
In 2023, Brayan’s father had a health crisis and was out of work for many months. The family struggled to make ends meet without programs like employment insurance and an under-resourced public health care system. Brayan’s mother worked hard, and Brayan also worked when he wasn’t studying. “We said, ‘God, why is this happening to us.’ But we also understood that God was testing our faith and drawing us closer to him.”
Various church members and teachers reached out with help and support, and the family was able to weather the storm. “I saw the hand of God. The money we had was enough for tuition, electricity and water payments, internet, and food.” His father recovered and was able to return to work, but that season left its mark on Brayan. “Many people told me they saw a great change in me, and I’m grateful to God for his work in me. I now understand that I always have to hold on to him. It will be hard, but we will overcome.”
At our annual kids camp this year, a handful of our older students were going to be baptized, and afterwards, an open invitation went out to anyone else who wanted to be baptized. One by one, many middle and high school students came forward to give their lives to Christ, with multiple students confessing that they had wanted to be baptized for some time but had been held back by fear or other reasons. Brayan felt similarly. “When the baptisms started, I felt the desire to be baptized. I looked up to heaven and said, ‘I’m not ready.’ It had been difficult for me to change. But I felt the Holy Spirit saying, ‘Do it.’”

"We said, ‘God, why is this happening to us.’ But we also understood that God was testing our faith and drawing us closer to him."

As he was praying, Brayan asked God to send someone who would confirm his desire to be baptized. “God sent a teacher who told me that God had great things for my life and that I would be a pillar to raise up my family, and so I made the decision to be baptized.”
Over 80 students were baptized that afternoon, many of whom have since been connected to small groups associated with our partner church. We thank God for this incredible harvest and pray that our labour will not be in vain and they will continue in the Lord. Ours is the often difficult task of impacting young lives with the truth of the gospel, and one can often be tempted to feel like that work is in vain. But it is the Holy Spirit’s ministry to convict and transform the inner person, and moments like that overcast afternoon in June are a welcome celebration and validation of our many years of effort.
It’s been a long, hard road for Brayan since he started with us six years ago, but since he was baptized, there has been a noticeable change in him—in how he walks, speaks, and his attitude. Even his parents have noticed the difference. He attends church and small group with an open heart, and we know God has great things in store for him. “I’m not saying that I’m now perfect or I haven’t sinned, but with the help of God, I am trying to leave behind things I used to do, and I know I will accomplish it.”
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